Christ-Centered Advocacy at Your Fingertips.
Ready Refuge
A Cross-Denominational Guide for Church Leaders on Intimate Partner Violence
Ready Refuge is a practical, cross-denominational guide for church leadership teams on how to effectively handle intimate partner violence situations. Between these pages, you will gain a new perspective on abuse and practical information on how to make your church a refuge for victims of violence through Christ-centered advocacy.
Ready Refuge is designed to give you customizable, real-life resources that can be used no matter what the size or demographic of your congregation. Your church has an incredible opportunity to partner with God’s mission to bring justice and freedom to the oppressed in your community - all you have do is say YES!

“As a ministry worker, I learned how little I know about this type of trauma and it certainly takes an expert to navigate the sensitive waters. Thank you for informing others on such a tender issue. I will know now, how to direct someone if ever they come to me with an issue of abuse and I will never again sit on the sidelines if it comes up in my circle of influence.”
— Lisa O.
“When I read Ready Refuge it felt so balanced. I really appreciated that it was calling us as a Church to do better. It wasn't attacking, but it was saying, 'Hey, we can do better.' I've told lots and lots of pastors, they should read it. Thank you for what you are doing.”
— Pastor Dean P.
“The discussion regarding how to handle intimate partner violence/abuse and support victims and their families is long over due. Ready Refuge offers a practical, biblical, and research based framework for how to help this underserved population. I highly recommend this for any church/faith based community that has not received any formal training or education working with abuse victims.”
— Joshua S.
“I honestly didn’t know anything about IPV before this book. This is such a great and educational resource. A great way to begin reaching out to those that are hurting in a loving and informed way. The author even came to speak at our church and had so much insight and wisdom on this issue. I would greatly recommend this book!”
— Alyssa A.
Ready Refuge is now available in Portuguese!
Sometimes God does wild things.
With the help of Brazilian author Francine Walsh and some incredible volunteers from her ministry, we were able to translate “Ready Refuge” and pitch it to Brazilian publisher, Pilgrim Books. They accepted the manuscript and decided to pitch it to Thomas Nelson Brasil, who also accepted it in 2021.
And here we are… with “Ready Refuge” traditionally published by one of the largest global Christian publishers, in a language I don’t speak, in a country I don’t know, almost entirely thanks to the efforts of local women half-way across the world who care deeply about the issue of abuse in their own communities.
When I look at the trajectory of getting this book written and published - it’s been anything but typical. Every step of the way has been paved first by the Spirit of God, and then by His people. It has been a joint effort - entirely impossible for me to do on my own.
And isn’t that how it should be?
“Ready Refuge” wasn’t written because I wanted to make a name for myself. It wasn’t written because I wanted to try and get traditionally published. It wasn’t written FOR me at all. It was written for the bride of Christ and for the oppressed and silenced in her midst. And it took the voices of so many people who care, to get it where it is today. It took the Church standing up and advocating, and THAT, my friend, is everything.
— Hannah Fordice, Author of “Ready Refuge” and Founder of House of Faith and Freedom